Playing for financial stability 

There’s a lot going on right now. 

It’s an iconic moment of opportunity for you if you know how to ride the wave. One the terms I have frequently taught on is this idea of “riding” the wave rather than trying to “control” the wave. 

You do not control the ocean. You either stay out completely or you take what it gives you and ride it up and down. Ask a professional surfer how they feel about surfing still, calm waters and they will laugh at you. Because it isn’t possible. 

There must be volatility for them to get any momentum. So it is with life and business. The reason so many businesses are started or grown in crazy economic times is because this rule doesn’t only apply to surfing the ocean. It is a life principle. 

We just finished up our Wealthy Consultant “Client Retention & Monetization” in Nashville. It was a great time, and if you’re in the business is working with clients at any level, you owe it to yourself to be at our upcoming events. 


We are currently coming out of the summer slump and heading into the Fall growth curve. This Fall will be different, though. Because the world is in a place of extreme chaos. From politics, to riots in Europe, to economic instability & confusion — this is a gnarly rollercoaster ride that you should be leaning into. 

Your client messaging should lean into this. Your fulfillment systems should be calibrated for this. Every layer in your business should be reflecting one central promise right now: we will help you grow through it. 

Regardless of whether a market “pays attention” or not, they cannot help but to feel it. Not every TAM will be locked into the markets or understand volatility/liquidity but they do feel the changing of the seasons. If you are the one to explain it to them then you get the credibility. 

To do that, however, requires you to actually understand it. 

Understanding it will take longer than an article online and I don’t have time right now to make this 10 pages. We are hosting a live growth masterclass on August 23rd and you’re invited to come. It costs money because my team doesn’t work for free but it’s cheap enough that you shouldn’t even think about it — just register for it. 

In it I’ll be explaining a lot of the ins and outs of what is happening and how to use it all to create growth momentum inside your business. 

See you there.

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